Hello and welcome!

Thankyou for reading this and i hope you might find some value from my ideas and information. I will keep it simple and as helpful as i can. I am sharing what i know and do, that's all, and by reading this and taking action it will help you make money online and improve your success in life!:)

Thanks again!

Greg De Tisi

FREE REPORT Gift Download now! ($197 Value)

How Mike Filsaime probably the No1 Internet Marketer rakes in Millions!



Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Being true to yourself will give you massive wealth

Have you ever heard of an extremely successful person in our world that is world famous and that is a promoter of crappy products? No of course not. The reason being is that when true success happens is when people are true to themselves with what they choose to do on a daily basis. Self mastery is one of the main areas that you have to focus on to get clear on what it that you are all about. Get to know who you are and why you want what it that you want. So finding your truth in life is comparible to switching on a light switch. It's a eureka moment for many. It really is as simple as this, focus on what you love to do and find a way of being a provider of that passion.

Get clear and get started to taking the action that you have to take. Don't go through life with the mindset that you could have done this or done that. In the back of your mind you will know what it is that you are supposed to do here on earth. Now if it is working online then in what area? What could you do that will help others whilst you make an income from your services? You might find that behind the ego lies the true self? What do I mean by that? We all have excuses for not doing things and usually the answer lies within, as we are frightened to get hurt or have fear or failure thus denting our ego.

Failure is a part of the whole process and without some obstacles then we would simply have nothing to gauge our journey against. What ever it is that is stopping you is usually just your perspective of your situation combined with past struggles. You must put this behind like you would a cloak and allow your true self to step forward into the light and into the truth of you.

We are only lieing to ourselves when we put off what it is that we really want to do, be or have. Stop putting things off and reveal yourself from behind your cloak to show the world what your unique value is. Then the world will see the true you that is all you can be. For me I wanted the time to be myself and to be free and have choices. What does this mean for you and what things do you want to do in life that you may never do if you don't be true?

Here's what I love. Art and painting,Fishing,reading and learning,Woodwork,Making music,walking,travelling,helping others,writing,being healthier,learning languages,and giving back to my community. Etc Etc...

What is it you love to do??

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Carbon Copy Pro, why join?

Well there are so many reasons to get started with these guys it is simply too much to talk bout really. Why Greg? Why! Because they will literally take your hand and walk your through the whole system from start to finish and as you learn you will earn too! Is it really this simple with Carbon Copy Pro? Yes it is because let's say you no nothing at all about the internet well no problem it is laid out for all levels of people to plug in and get started on building dreams and achieving the kind of goals you never thought possible elsewhere.

What is so good about them thought Greg, you compared to others sites/businesses? Simply they are the no1 company globally fo the very reason that they have helped people in over 190 countries create more income in a month than they earned in a year! Really nice!:)

I have heard so much hypeand false promises out there about the next best thing or a new launch! Why shouldn't I join those Greg? Go on then but when you come back to me saying they ahve asked for a load of money and not helped you at all, I will say I told you so! Don't get dragged into the B.S but rather look for results. These guys can show you results I can tell you.

Ok so how much can you realistically make then come on Greg no Bull! Honestly you can make as much as you like depending on what work YOU PUT IN! If you want $10k per month FINE but me I am rising this to the $50k mark so I can do more in life and help others. See the more you earn the more people you can help so I like that!:)

Ok how much is this thing Greg? Well Carbon Copy Pro is a REAL BUSINESS so let's say you bought a franchise for $200,000 or a bricks and mortar Business for $100k or whatever, this can be for as little as $1000. Now you have no staff, no building to house stock, small overheads and get this A GLOBAL MARKET!

Ready to become the next Automatic Millionaire with Pro?

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Are you using Organic Traffic to get exposure?

What is organic traffic you say? Well it's simple, it just means that you are using free and low cost traffic like Facebook, MySpace,Squidoo,Youtube etc, etc. Basicly the fact that you are using these sites mean it's natural forms of marketing so it's low cost and you probably already have an account with them as a social media site. The main thing is that you are trying to position yourself as an expert within your sites so as to attract others to work or buy from you. This doesn't mean plastering Affiliate links all over your sites but rather the opposite really. You see when you simply and honestly present YOU as the BRAND then people can see that you are not trying to force the next best opportunity down their throat. It is importnat therefore to be involved in a system or business that you actually believe in right! Right because then you have a passion for the products and then you can sit back with confidence that they will actually come to you instead of you chasing them (much easier I can tell you!:).

First of all sign up for accounts with all the major social media sites then present yourself as a business professional within your chosen niche or affiliate service. This is so simple because you just have to be yourself here sharing what you do. I said SHARING not SELLING! Big difference there. This is not overnight traffic but do you want your business to be here now and gone tomorrow? Of course not so if you are in this for the long-haul then you must realise that this process is organic and will take a bit of time to grow.

If you are struggling right now in whatever you are doing then change the outlook and stop thinking about the $ signs. Think about others and what they want REALLY WANT. They don't want another sales pitch right NO NO NO! They want a REAL person who will be trustworthy and honest so they will HUNT YOU DOWN for your valuable information.

YOU are the brand YOU are what they want YOU are the reason they will buy. YOU have to realise this and to start giving in order to receive.

Want to know more about this? Then check out some of the Social media sites and copy what I do. I only speak the truth and what I am sharing is what has helped me so I am not selling here notice.

Get to work people!:) Make it the best day of the rest of your life.

My sites are too the right so check em out and GO TO IT!:)

I recommend that you grab your free video below also!:)

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Teach > Share > Build

This is so simple really. Think about it. What are most people trying to find? They are trying to find a solution as i said before. SO Provide them with the information they need. Start to teach what you know and become somewhat of an expert in your field. The more videos and articles you produce the more you will be reaching the wider audience and Google and other top sites will rank you higher and higher thus promoting you with little effort from yourself. Plus it will cost you very little to do this. Become a teacher in the area you have some knowledge in and just simply share what you know and this in turn WILL build your business and YOU will become hunted for your knowledge. Some people call it attraction marketing or magnetic sponsoring but whatever you want to call it, you will get alot more interest in YOU.

Don't chase money GIVE valuable content and then the money will flood in. Attraction marketing is exactly this. People will seek to join you and be e-mailing you or whatever it takes to get in your team or buy from you. Isn't it simple really!:)

Get out there now and start to make some really simple video's and go to ezinearticles .com and just start to write about what you already know. Don't be scared of sharing or of giving away valuable information because this is where people will turn to you. I can write something in 10 minutes just sharing what i know it really is easy and then i can watch as people come to me for more information EVEN BEFORE they have joined my business. Great huh! Don't make it hard for yourself get out there and begin to make your mark.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Let's talk about branding!

You are your own brand. SO what you will need to do is build TRUST with your LOYAL customers. Also KEEP PROMISES and GUARANTEES. This one is the most important i think. KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER.

What more shall we talk about? That's how to brand you and become someone associated with QUALITY PRODUCTS. Don't promote what you don't believe in. ASK yourself what solution you are creating for the problem that your customer has.

Imagine you are your cuastomer, what do you look like and act like and what job do you have? Are you male or female? How old are you? What motivates you? This might sound silly BUT once you know WHO your market is then you can confidently PROMOTE WITH EASE. Get inside the mind of your customer AND you will attract excatly those types of people.

Just by following these simple rules you can kiss goodbye to STRESSFUL CONFUSION and DEPRESSING FRUSTRATION. Or any other combination of words that might not be so positive!:) Take what you have and use it with confidence then market the hell out of it whilst building your list and offering value. I may well have covered some of these points before BUT they are ESSENTIAL to longterm success.

I want to encourage you explore my blog and take what ever may help you. If you want to get a head start on the rest then just copy what the successful already do. You can start by making some simple videos on youtube and begin to gain a presence exposing you THE BRAND to the world.

Do you want some help doing these things? If so I suggest you join me and thousands of others who are benefitting from The Renegade University.

Join FREE HERE>> http://tiny.cc/RenegadeGreg

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Renegade University! What's the scoop?

Just been going through the Mike Klingler training series in the Renegade University website. This stuff is just amazing to anyone. Why? Well because whether you are new or seasoned in Internet/Network Marketing he shares essential information you need to start applying if you want to start getting the success you deserve online.

The best part is that you can join for FREE and check out several free videos that are just so great. This guy is so down to earth and real and he will show you how to save alot of time and money and just sheer frustration when you trying to get somewhere and gain trust with your customers.

All I am saying here is that from myself being an experienced marketer I still found alot of very useful tips inside that I totally missed before I watched the video's. From me to you this is really worth joining for free and if you like what you see then upgrade and become a Professional.

If you are struggling right now or if you just need a refresher on what you need to be doing to increase revenue RIGHT NOW then you will want to get your free account and be amazed at the content and value being given to you, seriously!:)

Here's the link people enjoy:)) p.s You will be glad you joined this I can assure you!:)


Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Building your online business from scratch

When you start off it can seem like so much to learn how to set your business up that it might be easier to get a job right? Well not for me! I would rather take massive action and even fail a few times to get what i want in life. Maybe you don't have the patience or the time/money to do this. Well guess what, neither did I! Or so i thought! What i am saying is that you can surprise yourself with what you can learn and set up as you begin to unravel the various areas you need to become professional in. I have struggled and for years I could have given up but i didn't because i knew that it was worth the hard work. It all depends on what you actually want from life. I mean what is more crazy, working in a job you hate all your life or trying to get what you want by taking risks and embracing change? I think it is so much more an adventure to try and live actually how you want to live RIGHT?

Don't miss out on living life because of fear or what others might say or risking a lousy job. Now we all need money to survive so keep at the job and put a little to one side to invest into your own business. Exicting huh! Don't think that it is all too much because you will be underselling yourself for the sake of your job/lifestyle. Ask yourself what you actually want and what you want to sell. Create solutions for people's problems, that's all anyone is trying to do.

There are many things to learn if you want to work online. This is no walk in the park,you have to learn the business like anything, it will all be worth it when you make a good living from your laptop whilst sunning it up in Barbados though!:)

I am here to share with you what you already have. Take what you have and apply it to what you want. If you want to make a good living from home then take your passion in life and then apply that to a business. So find what it is you love then sell it with confidence and people will buy from you because you actually believe in what you do. Simple really isn't it!

Start today by making some video's on Yotube. Create your brand and then hook up to Facebook and Twitter. Ensure that you only add valuable content and join relevant people and groups. Position yourself as an expert and as your exposure increases so will your name. Feel free to check out my sites to the right and follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Check out what groups i joined. Study others whom you respect and want to emulate. Begin by connecting up the pieces with Social Media now and start a free blog with blogger or wordpress. If you need help setting them up contact me and I can help you. Start your first blog post. Start writing simple but honest articles over at ezinearticles.com. All you need to do is be yourself and you are already good at that right!:)

Get going on this!

Get started by clicking the banner below:

Sunday, 21 March 2010

123 formula for online success

I have read alot of books regarding success and many different principles are contained in them but i think that there are 3 core principles that you need to be an online success and without these 3 things you will probably fail unless you have unusual luck. So the three things are as follows..

1 Gain Skillset
2 Take action
3 Give Value

That's it! I mean within these 3 things are many things you need to do but to define what has definately made the biggest difference to me then it is these 3 things. Let me break them down.


You have to become very aware of what works and what doesn't whilst learning the different processes you need to implement in your online business. So take an area for example Marketing then within that there is classified ads or using Traffic Exchanges. Get good at these areas and become effective before moving onto the next set of things. Learn from people who are already successful and just copy what they do. I have many free e-books and reports here for you to read so get started. Become a Pro like anyone would in any profession in which they wish to excel. It is no good just hoping for success you have to learn if you really want the lifestyle you wish for so begin now by maybe reading Michael Cobb's Internet Marketing for Newbies series contained in this blog and/or any of the free stuff i have inside the blog.


Putting the pieces together. Once you have your product/service that you want to promote then you can begin to apply the Marketing and Advertising needed to expose your business to a huge audience of targeted buyers who want your products time and time again. You must take action daily can and set yourself productive tasks to accomplish everyday or small easy to achieve goals that will increase over time. Just do something whatever it is and if it is wrong then learn to do it differently the next time. All the theory in the world is useless without huge action so get started. Remember you are creating solutions for people's problems so with that in mind just find out what people want and act with faith. Take your product for example it must be good and it must perform what it says it will do. Then apply the marketing to it and get it out there to a relelvant audience.


Imagine you have some great marketing knowledge now and you know where to apply this by taking action then you are ready to give give give. You cannot really give too much BUT and there is one, only give true value in your content. Imagine you are the customer, what would you have wanted? If you are building a list of customers make sure you spoil them with value. They need to feel special and worthy. They want to trust you so let them trust you by giving selflessly. Don't think greed think how can help! By helping and giving you will be rewarded for sure. You might give away free reports or e-books or video's etc. Valuable content is where your repeat custom will come from. I repeat THE VALUE YOU GIVE WILL HAVE THE CUSTOMER COMING BACK FOR MORE thus giving you residual income and the investment in them for years to come ok!:)

These 3 core principles will help you get where you want to be ALOT quicker if you just take the time to learn and apply. I hope this helps you like it has helped me!:))

It's your lucky though because of this above can be attained through a very special system starting from now! Yep that's right within the site below you can begin learning and earning straight away. You just need to plug into this like I did and start your future off the right way.

I am giving you the heads up on this because the whole system is BRAND NEW so if you get in now you will in a great position to do very well from my buddy's system. This Jason Cardamone and he is a well known Mentor and very Successful internet Entrepneur. He will guide through the system with a series of videos and tutorials so it is easy to follow. You easily make a fulltime online income here so, i would think very carefully before moving onto the next best thing because this has it all wrapped up in a nice bundle.

Are you ready to begin making your life how you want it?
If so head over here RIGHT AWAY!

Success is so close you just need to meet it in the middle, so click below and get started!:)


Friday, 19 March 2010

FREE How to build your list with ease!

Stop struggling to build a list when you can grab this FREE report on how to do just that. Get your copy now and start to earn from your customers over and over again. Without a list you have no business, ok you might sell a few things but you want repeat custom and to keep offering value to your customers so you need to start building your list as soon as possible.
Many companies rely on repeat custom so as to invest in the customer.


Thursday, 21 January 2010

What are you thinking about most of the time?

Difficult thing to ask really because we get thousands of conscious and subconscious thoughts whirling around our minds continually and we can't possibly monitor them. However the predominant thoughts we get are creating the lives we live. Most of our thoughts can be changed to help us rather than hinder our success.

Make an art of thinking because every time you paint a picture of something good or bad it will probably come true in some form. It is a habit to most of us to think about certain things in certain ways but that is only your perspective of it, for example if something once happened to you like going to the airport and your flight was delayed and you felt really annoyed you might return to the airport expecting the same again. I say expecting because what we expect usually turns out to be true. Expect the best in any situation because even if it doesnt turn out exactly how we wish it will still leave you with a more positive outlook on future events.

It is easy for me to say to try and control yourself more often but i know it's hard because ingrained habits have taught you believe there is only one outcome from something. I am here to say that i am living proof that what you think about you bring about. I used to get angry with stuff or believe events being negative sometimes but once i realised that I make the rules things started to change for me.

This isnt about fluffy superstition or anything else it is simply about you creating what you actually desire in your life starting from now. Most people let fear stand in the way of their dreams and for some reason this affects their whole future decisions. You can follow your passions and really make a career out of them if you just believe. It has been said that when you see a flash of something in your mind as a dream but maybe seems out of reach, then this is your purpose here to follow. It is only what i have read but i bet you can think of something now that seems too good to be true right?

You get to choose your thoughts and feelings and reactions to life so try it out and be genuinely relational to others and give without expecting anything back and you will find that others will love what you say or act like and this will show you that how you look at the world directly affects your own future.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

FREE Seven day mini e-course on how to use the best tools in the industry to become a super affiliate - sign up here! Personally written by myself

I am giving away a free mini e-course that i wrote to help you become the best in your chosen niche. Whatever it is that you are promoting, you need to beat the competition and this will tell you how to use the best tools to get there! Sign up FREE now!

I hate SPAM as much as you, so you will be asked to click the link to confirm that you wish to receive this course!!

Full Name: